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RECYCLED MANMADE MULTIPLES: Exploring the complexities of multiplicity by the redefinition of the object and its symbolism, these works often utilize recycled mass production identical objects to question the consequences of human imprint in the age of the anthropocene.


Installed in site-specific configurations varying from landscapes to architectural spaces, Avila’s large-scale biomorphic installations create minimal impact

to the environment, and explore the close relationship between the notions of multiplicity and the effects of globalization. 

'Unitatis'_Detail II_Marynes Avila_.jpg
Hybrid Times_Marynes Avila.jpg
3000Years_Marynes Avila.jpg
SiO2, Echo II_ Marynes Avila.jpg
Emergent _ Marynes Avila.jpg
Vehicle for Thoughtful Observations _ Marynes Avila.jpg
Gifted_ Marynes Avila.jpg
Origen_Marynes Avila.jpg
Wave_ Marynes Avila.jpg
Nelumbo Lucifera 2_Marynes Avila.jpg
Traces_Marynes Avila.jpg
Colony_ Marynes Avila.jpg
Emblem 1_ Marynes Avila.jpg
From Kyoto to Hiroshima_Marynes Avila.jpg
Metamorphous _ Marynes Avila .jpg
Prognosis1_Marynes Avila.jpg
IMG_2960Sorrow_ Marynes Avila.jpg
Vortex _ Marynes Avila.jpg
Memories_Marynes Avila.jpg
Marynes Avila_Resilience_Installation_Marynes Avila.jpg
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